Recurrent Urticaria in Diabetes Type 1: Dont Forget the Autoimmune Nature

Author Details

Mouna Guermazi, Meriem Bouzid, Salem Bouomrani

Journal Details


Published: 8 May 2019 | Article Type :


A 32-years-old man initially presented with inaugural diabetes. He had no medical history. He developed urticaria shortly afterdiagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1D). Investigations eliminated any atopic cause of the urticaria and confirmed the autoimmune aspect of this last. The patient presented recurrent flare under antihistamines treatment. The regulation of glycaemia blood levels lead to evanescence of urticaria.
This case improvesthe association between different autoimmune disorders specifically T1D and autoimmune urticaria witch is rarely reported without autoimmune thyroiditis.
To be practical, genetic susceptibility for autoimmunity highlights the importance of regular screening for most common autoimmune disorders in patients in whom one disorder is already present in order to ensure adequate care.

Keywords: Type 1 diabetes, Autoimmuneurticaria, autoimmunity.

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How to Cite


Mouna Guermazi, Meriem Bouzid, Salem Bouomrani. (2019-05-08). "Recurrent Urticaria in Diabetes Type 1: Dont Forget the Autoimmune Nature." *Volume 2*, 1, 20-23